Races dungeons and dragons
Races dungeons and dragons

races dungeons and dragons races dungeons and dragons

Finally, the insectoid thri-kreen have limited telepathy, a natural armor class, the ability to change their carapace to match their surroundings to give them advantage on Stealth checks, and have a set of secondary arms. The plasmoid, a race of amorphous amoeba-like creatures, has resistance to acid and poison damage and can create a 10-foot long pseudopod that can manipulate objects. The Hadozee, a simian-like race with membranes under their limbs that allow them to glide, can reduce their fall damage to 0 using their reaction. The giff, an alien race that look like bipedal hippos, can re-roll damage dice if they roll a 1 on it and has advantage on all Strength ability throws and saving throws. Additionally, the Autognome can also expend a hit dice whenever mending is cast on them. The Autognome has a natural Armor Class and can use their Built for Success trait to add a d4 to an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus. The Astral Elf has a Radiant Soul ability that allows them to regain hit points when they successfully make a death saving throw once per long rest and can swap weapon and tool proficiencies whenever they take a long rest. Each also have a variety of different abilities. All six of the new races use the updated guidance on playable races, which discards set Character Stat bonuses.

Races dungeons and dragons